Flooring Product Categories
Floor Primers
A liquid primer is applied to assure good bonding of the flooring, which is typically done by trowel and roller. The adequate method can be selected depending on the quality of the subfloor.
Smooth Floor Coating
A perfectly even and smooth floor substrate surface plays an important role in the final result and life span of the floor, no matter what kind of floor covering will be installed over it.
Finish Coats
Did you Know? The sun and artificial lighting generate UV rays which can damage your floors. UV lights can discolour and yellow your floors, but on the long run, it could also definitely damage them.
Chemically Resistant Coatings
The biggest challenges for flooring systems in manufacturing facilities are generally in the production areas. These floors not only have to withstand severe exposure, including mechanical, chemical and thermal stresses, but also need to provide the right degree of slip resistance to meet health and safety requirements.
Decorative Solutions
The decorative flooring solutions from Sika allow the creation of an almost unlimited combination of functional and aesthetic requirements. The results of this flexibility in design are rooms so unique and distinctive that people really like and appreciate living and working there.
Specialty Products
Randalls carries the full line of Sika Flooring including specialty product such as Waterproofing and Flexible Membranes, Wall Solutions and Wood and Tiles Solutions.